Opcode provides a variety of support options for its customers.
Obviously, the first place to look for assistance is in your Opcode users manuals. For last minute changes, check the Read Me file installed into each application’s folder. Detailed and up-to-date installation information can be found in the “Installation Help” file on your Master Installer disk.
Also, don’t forget about the online help available within most Opcode programs. In Vision DSP or Studio Vision Pro use Command-Shift-Option to click on any field, button, icon or menu item for pop-up help on that topic. Open a new bank, bundle or library in Galaxy and Galaxy Plus Editors and the Help option in the Apple Help menu will tell you everything you need to know about using that device. OMS (including OMS Setup, Studio Patches Editor and the Name Manager windows) incorporates Apple's Balloon Help; once enabled, simply point to any icon in your Studio Setup, or any menu item, for balloon help.
If after consulting these sources you are still experiencing problems, Opcode is available to assist you with your technical support needs. Before calling the Technical Support line please be seated near your computer, software booted, with your serial number (located on the original master disk) handy.
You may also contact us by fax or via the internet. To inquire about updates, upgrades and disk replacements call our customer service number.
• Customer Service: 650-429-2400
• Technical Support: 650-429-2349
• Fax: 650-429-7202
• World Wide Web: http://www.opcode.com
There are several features of OMS that are not described in the printed documentation or in this Read Me. These features are covered in Technical Publications, which are available from Opcode Technical Support or through Opcode's online services. Some of the applicable Technical Publications for OMS include:
Using OMS with a MIDI Patchbay
Using OMS with MOTU's MIDI Time Piece
OMS Name Manager
Studio Patches
These publications may have been supplied on the diskettes you received when you purchased the product. If you need additional publications, contact Opcode Technical Support, or visit the Opcode Web site.